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How to Achieve New Year’s Resolutions – The Pros and Cons of Setting Goals and Vision Boards

How to Achieve New Year's Resolutions - The Pros and Cons of Setting Goals and Vision Boards

Do you have a vision board that is a visual representation of your goals and dreams?

A vision board can be a collection of pictures and words arranged in a certain way, that you cut and paste on a board. Traditionally, a vision board is placed on a wall in the office or in your home. You can also get an electronic version of the Vision Board, which has pictures that represent your goals and dreams and you can collect them by clicking and dragging these pictures or taking them onto a blank canvas and then printing them to a hard copy or turning them into a screen saver.

This is the time of year when people re-evaluate their lives and make some New Year’s resolutions, but 95% of those resolutions are forgotten or completely broken by Blue Monday, which is the third Monday in January every year!

These resolutions are made with the intention of “things being better” next year. Although writing down a goal and hoping it will come true is something many people do, only 3-10% of the population achieve their dreams.

Although it’s a great start, achieving a goal is more than just writing down what you want and then hoping it will come true. Life tends to get in the way, old habits come back and many people’s dreams are left on hold until next year when they make the same resolution as last year. This is a sure way to never achieve your goal.

If you want to achieve your New Year’s resolutions and goals, then creating a vision board that is a visual representation of your dreams and goals as well as writing them down and following the 5 Steps to Real Success will bring you a surefire way to achieve your dreams and many more reasons to celebrate this time of the year ahead.

Here are 5 easy steps you can take to achieve your dreams, create an action plan and avoid disappointment.

1. Choose goals that you will fully commit to. Many people set the same goals year after year without really achieving them. They say in a moment of inspiration, “I will quit smoking”, “I will lose 10 pounds”, “I will be more social”, “I will find a new job”, “I will date more and find my soul mate” I will… (fill in the blank). These good intentions often find their way into the “too hard” basket and end up in regrets, forgetfulness, or forgotten dreams that sound like “Well… someday, maybe someday, if…”

When this happens year after year it gives your subconscious mind a very strong message that you don’t really want the goal you set and what’s worse is your subconscious mind is now programmed to know that the goal is not meant to be achieved and it will put up all sorts of blocks and resist success just to prove you are on it. right! He will keep the “status quo” as he is used to.

2. Let go of any wounds, disappointments, resentments, anger, fears, and frustrations from this year. in order to move forward. Simply by forgiving yourself and others for unfulfilled goals will give you more energy to move forward. Feeling old regrets and resentments is like lugging heavy bags full of rocks. Its release will give you new inspiration, ideas and inner strength.

3. Determine the goals that you will end or abandon. You know those goals that you set year after year and never achieve. It might be time to drop them altogether. Clarity leads to power. When you clear the decks and realistically give yourself some goals that you really want and are willing to work towards, you will be inspired and find renewed strength to pursue your dream. The goals you drop, you can always revisit them later, if you still have the passion to achieve them.

4. Complete, celebrate and acknowledge all of this past years and past success to add momentum to the new year and reinvigorate your self-confidence and courage. We don’t celebrate enough. Even small accomplishments are worth acknowledging, as this tells the subconscious mind that you are achieving what you set out to do and that you are ready for the next goal.

5. Create your new “blueprint” by writing down your goals and creating a Vision Board, a powerful tool for getting ultimate clarity on what you want and guiding you in creating a real action plan to achieve your dreams in 2011. When you know what you want, find all the images that represent What will your life look like when the goal is achieved. You Vision Board is a representation of the end result and shows your subconscious mind exactly what your new, better reality will look like. Your vision board is your personal blueprint and roadmap to success.

Enjoy your New Year’s resolutions this year, follow these five steps and see what happens.
© 2010 Barbara Pellegrino

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