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Discover the benefits of daily journaling

Discover the benefits of daily journaling


The word journal comes from the French “jour” which means day. Journaling Every day is a visit with your best friend, you.
This ancient practice dates back to the 10th century in Japan. Successful people throughout history have kept journals.

Diaries have a positive effect on your health. Researcher James Pennebaker stated that writing strengthens the immune system and reduces symptoms of asthma and arthritis. He also states that writing about stressful things helps you control them and thus reduce stress in your life.
Journaling is an opportunity to explore ideas in an unstructured environment.

Christina Baldwin:
Journal writing is an inward journey.

Who should magazine?

1. Who aspires to write
2. Anyone who wants to capture feelings and thoughts
3. Who wants to heal his mind and body
4. Everyone tries to solve problems
5. For anyone who wants to find them themselves

Why the magazine?

Scientific evidence supports that journaling accesses the left brain, the analytical brain. While it is busy, the right mind is free to create.
Writing removes mental blocks and allows you to understand yourself.

Journaling each day will:

1. Clarify your thoughts. It’s amazing how clear I can write. There is power in the brain-pen-and-board connection.
You can’t get the same benefit from blogging using your computer as you can from real writing.
2. It helps you examine feelings. I get moments of clarity about situations that were confusing.
3. Reduce stress. Start writing. You will feel liberated and calm. Writing quiet chatter of the mind.
4. Find solutions to problems. I’ve had my AHA moments while writing. Somehow, the creative right brain comes up with answers.
5. Lets you resolve differences. Often when I’m in a disagreement with someone, I need to change; Writing helps me adjust my attitude.
6. It helps you get to know yourself. The more I visit my best friend, through journaling, the more I know and love myself.

“I come back to this magazine just as some poor devil drinks.”

When is the magazine?

1. Morning or evening anytime committed. I prefer mornings when my dreams are still fresh. I combine journal time with meditation and spiritual reading.
2. The evening is the right time. You can think about your day and how you acted.
3. Writing twice a day in the morning and evening is best. Try it for a week. You’ll love the results.
4. Many people write down thoughts and feelings throughout the day. That’s okay too.

The important thing is that you write in your journal every day. Make it a habit.

what magazine
I write more than daily accounts, I got up, went to work, came home not diaries. Post ideas, questions, and revelations.

write about:

1. Inspiration
2. Questions
3. Revelation
4. Obligations
5. What did you do to help someone else?
6. What did you learn?
7. What is your biggest mistake?
8. Confusing issues
9. Gratitude

It’s your story. It is your feelings, thoughts, ideas and dreams. The things that make your life that’s what you write about.
Think about what is happening in your life, keep track of events, and look for patterns. Find out – be informed.

Remember – it’s your journal. You choose what is important to you. This is a diary.

How’s the magazine?

Grab a pencil and pad or a three-ring notebook, or something fancy.
Please no computers.

You cannot achieve a mind, hand and soul connection with a computer.

Start writing by writing down three things you are grateful for, or write down three goals, three wishes, or three best qualities. Just never.
Make time for the journal.

Do you care who reads it? Decide whether to secure it or not.

Twenty benefits of diaries

1. It reduces stress
2. It helps you stay focused and organized
3. It helps you put your thinking in order
4. Serves as a reminder 5. Improves your sense of well-being
6. It helps clear your mind
7. It improves feelings of gratitude
8. Promotes healing
9. It enhances life
10. Generates creative ideas
11. It helps you understand yourself
12. Logical – increases perspective
13. It brings joy and humor
14. Increases sensitivity
15. It improves relationships with yourself and others
16. Clears mental blockages
17. It allows for a better understanding of oneself
18. It leads you towards peace of mind
19. It promotes self-discipline
20. Promotes spiritual growth


There is no better way to know yourself than through your journal.

It’s a time spent with yourself where you can gather your thoughts, sort through your confusion, find focus, and unlock your spirituality.

Nobody judges your writing. There is a great benefit and convenience to journaling. It is a time of strong reflection. Time to know yourself. It is also a cheap remedy.

Lao-tzu Tao Te Ching:
He who knows others learns
He who knows himself is wise.”

Copyright © 2009 Wee Dilts

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